The Bishop Henderson Curriculum
Children are taught within the framework of the National Curriculum, ensuring progress and development throughout the school. At Bishop Henderson School we provide a creative, engaging and relevant curriculum that achieves high standards and gives our children a solid foundation for becoming global citizens.
Our Art, Computing, DT, Geography, History curriculum centred around 3 types of knowledge:
- Substantive Knowledge
- Disciplinary Knowledge
- Substantive Concepts in History
But what does this mean?
- Substantive Knowledge
Substantive knowledge is the core facts key to the understanding of any particular enquiry. This could be that the Romans successfully invaded Britain in 43AD or that Madrid is the capital city of Spain.
2. Disciplinary Knowledge
Disciplinary Knowledge is where the children think like a historian or a scientist, geographer etc. It is a skill set applied across the discipline of a particular enquiry. Using History as a context, tt makes us think and ask questions such as:
a) How do we know about history?
b) How can we trust our sources?
c) How long ago was this period of history in relation to other events?
d) Why do we consider this a particularly significant event?
3. Substantive Concepts
These are the big ideas of themes that can be applied to various concepts of a particular area of study. These need to be built upon one another over time in order for the children in to gain the best idea of these big ideas.
Though based on the National Curriculum using objectives from Science, History, Geography, Art & Design, Design & Technology and Music, the Bishop Henderson Curriculum weaves in an enquiry-led approach that enables teachers to inspire learners with local people, places and stories relevant to the school's locality. This structure also provides opportunities to respond to the ever-changing world.
Finally, we also use our curriculum to underpin our school Christian values of Courage, Creativity and Compassion. When learning about a concept, the children will explore that they or others can demonstrate the three school values in the context of their enquiry.
If you would like more information regarding our curriculum, please contact Mr Lane via
Bishop Henderson Curriculum Intention and Values
- Bishop Henderson Readers v0.1.pdf
- Bishop Henderson Writers v0.1.pdf
Writing, Spelling and Handwriting Curriculum Overview
Reading and Phonics
We have fidelity for the phonic scheme Unlocking Letters and Sounds (ULS) throughout the school. All children are tracked and, where appropriate, ULS interventions are used to ensure the progress of all children.
Puffins Nursery use ULS delivery of phase 1 activities including, environmental sounds, musical instruments and listening and memory games. Through activities and sharing books oral blending, alliteration, prodosy, rhythm and rhyme are all explored and practised.
In Reception and Key Stage 1, reading books are well matched to the ability of the children whilst they are working within the phonic phases. These books are phonically decodable with the expectation that the books are read at least three times encouraging fluency. There are also guided reading session where new vocabulary is introduced, blending skills are taught and practised, focus is put on particular sounds or common exeption words and comprehension skills are built on.
Key stage 2 have a vast bank of reading books they can access and they take part in daily class guided reading. Again this gives the teachres the opportuity to teach needed skills and track the progress of individual children.
Children's preception of reading and opportunities of reading for pleasure is of great importance to us. Our PTA's kind contributions and various grants we have accessed have allowed us to invest not only in decodable books but also in high quality fiction and non fiction books for our library. All children are able to borrow books from the library to take howm and share with their families. All children are read to at least once a day during a class reading time, and older children have allocated times where they are able to read individually.
Bishop Henderson Curriculum Overviews
- Art Curriculum Overview:
- Computing Curriculum Overview:
- DT Curriculum Overview:
- Geography Curriculum Overview:
- History Curriculum Overview::
- Science Curriculumj Overview:
Curriculum Overview from a scheme